FABI, the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, at the University of Pretoria, IUFRO WP 7.03.16 Mentoring Program 24th of January 2022, Europe and Africa session,12.00 UTC 21st of February 2022, North, Central and South America, 18.00 UTC


Jean-François Trébuchon
Rédacteur en chef et Coordinateur éditorialde la revue Bois et Forêts des Tropiques


IUFRO WP 7.03.16 Mentoring Program

24th of January 2022                      - 21st of February 2022                         - 28th of March 2022
Europe and Africa session North - Central and South America session - Asia and Oceania session

12.00 UTC 18.00 UTC 04.00 UTC

In early 2022 the WP 7.03.16 will host three symposia highlighting the work of graduate students in the disciplines of Behavioural and Chemical Ecology of forest insects. The first symposium will be focused on the regions of Europe and Africa, the second on the regions of North and South / Central America, and the third on the regions of Asia and Oceania. The symposia will occur virtually and are open to everyone to attend; however, only students will present their work. Talks will be pre-recorded and submitted in advance of each symposia for judging. The top three from each region will be presented for a total of six student presentations per symposia. The best talk from each region (i.e., two will be selected from each symposia) will be recognized and our goal is to offer financial assistance to each winner to attend the IUFRO All-Division 7 meeting in 2022 in Portugal where the winners will present their talks in a symposium highlighting student research in the working party.
Please fill in the registration form on the left menu of this page if you are interested in joining the symposia as a viewer or a presenter. After registration you will be contacted by email with a link to attend each symposium.

Contact: Jeremy Allison. Email: Jeremy.Allison@NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca


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Comment citer

Trébuchon, J.-F. (2022). FABI, the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, at the University of Pretoria, IUFRO WP 7.03.16 Mentoring Program 24th of January 2022, Europe and Africa session,12.00 UTC 21st of February 2022, North, Central and South America, 18.00 UTC. BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES, 350. Consulté à l’adresse https://revues.cirad.fr/index.php/BFT/article/view/36843