Sustainable cocoa production. Learning from agroforestry




Theobroma cacao, agroforestry, small farms, agroecology


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In order to meet growing demand for chocolate products, numerous initiatives have been launched over the last 10 years with a view to increasing cocoa production. These initiatives continue to promote the input-intensive model advocated since the 1960s, even though this model has reached its agronomic, socio-economic, and environmental limits. Hence the proposal to learn from agroforestry in order to develop the current model: introducing fruit and forest tree species into cocoa plantations contributes to the agro-ecological intensification of cocoa production, while improving flexibility and resilience, which are essential to smallholder farmers, who grow 95% of the world’s cocoa.

Biographies des auteurs

Patrick Jagoret

Patrick Jagoret is an agronomist at CIRAD in the UMR SYSTEM (Tropical and mediterranean cropping system functioning and management, As assistant director of the research unit, he conducts research on the functioning and dynamics of cocoa agroforestry systems. He is now based in Montpellier, after spending 12 years in Cameroon.

Olivier Deheuvels

Olivier Deheuvels is an agroecologist at CIRAD in the UMR SYSTEM. He conducts research on ecosystem services in cocoa agroforestry systems. He has been based in Costa Rica for seven years, and joined ICRAF (World Agroforestry, in Lima (Peru) in July 2014.

Philippe Bastide

Philippe Bastide is an agrophysiologist at CIRAD in the UPR Systèmes de pérennes (Performance of Tree Crop-Based Systems, Based in Montpellier, he is the Cocoa Supply Chain Correspondent at CIRAD. He focuses on the evaluation and management of yield gaps in cocoa plantations in Indonesia, Brazil, Venezuela and São Tomé and Principe.


Authors' publications

Bastide P., Paulin D., Lachenaud P., 2008. Influence de la mortalité des cacaoyers sur la stabilité de la production dans une plantation industrielle. Tropicultura 26 (1) : 33-38.

Deheuvels O., 2011. Compromis entre productivité et biodiversité dans un gradient d’intensité de gestion de systèmes agroforestiers à base de cacaoyers de Talamanca, Costa-Rica. PhD Thesis, Montpellier Supagro, France, 185 p.

Jagoret P., 2011. Analyse et évaluation de systèmes agroforestiers complexes sur le long terme : application aux systèmes de culture à base de cacaoyers au Centre Cameroun. PhD Thesis, Montpellier Supagro, France, 236 p.

Ngo Bieng M.A., Gidoin C., Avelino J., Cilas C., Deheuvels O., Wery J., 2013. Diversity and spatial clustering of shade trees affect cacao yield and pathogen pressure in Costa Rican agroforests. Basic and Applied Ecology 14 (4): 329-336.

Rafflegeau S., Losch B., Daviron B., Bastide P., Charmetant P., Lescot T., Prades A., Sainte-Beuve J., 2015. Contributing to production and to international markets. In: Sourisseau J.-M. (ed.), Family farming and the Worlds to come. Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 129-144.

Other references

Gidoin C., 2013. Relations entre structure du peuplement végétal et bioagresseurs dans les agroforêts à cacaoyers. Application à trois bioagresseurs du cacaoyer : la moniliose au Costa Rica, la pourriture brune et les mirides au Cameroun. PhD Thesis, Montpellier SupAgro, France, 186 p.

Ruf F., 1995. Booms et crises du cacao. Les vertiges de l’or brun. Ministère de la Coopération, Cirad-Sar, Karthala, 459 p. ISBN 9782865375943.


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Comment citer

Jagoret, P., Deheuvels, O., & Bastide, P. (2014). Sustainable cocoa production. Learning from agroforestry. Perspective, (27), 1–4.