Cocoa agroforestry systems in Africa – the art of reconciling sustainable production and ecological services




Agroforestry, agroforestry system, cocoa, Theobroma cacao L., yield, indicator, basal area, ecological service, carbon, sustainability, deforestation, crop pest, black pod rot, mirid, local know-how, certification


Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria, West Africa, Central Africa


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Combining mixed trees with cocoa trees in so-called cocoa agroforestry systems is emerging as a viable option for regenerating cocoa cropping in Africa. Pure cocoa crop stands currently prevail in these areas but are running out of steam. Technical solutions are therefore urgently needed to stabilize cocoa-growing areas, reduce pressure on forests and adapt to climate change. A balance can be struck in stands by combining cocoa trees with diverse trees chosen by farmers for their different uses, while maintaining a suitable and sustainable cocoa yield. Ecological services such as carbon storage and crop protection are co-benefits of this balance. Recent research in Cameroon highlights that cocoa agroforestry stands can be managed using a straightforward indicator—measurement of the basal area of cocoa trees and associated trees. This indicator could be adopted for sustainable cocoa production certification purposes, while the observed convergence between local know-how and scientific results could facilitate joint drawing up of technical recommendations.

Biographies des auteurs

Patrick Jagoret

Patrick Jagoret is an agronomist in the CIRAD Biodiversified Agrosystems joint research unit (UMR ABSys, Former Deputy Head of the Tropical and Mediterranean Cropping System Functioning and Management joint research unit (UMR SYSTEM,, he conducts research on cocoa agroforest stand functioning. He also coordinates the European Development Smart Initiative for Research in Agriculture (DeSIRA) Sustainability of production systems and new dynamics in the cocoa sector Cocoa4Future project in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana that was launched in 2020 (

Stéphane Saj

Stéphane Saj is an agronomist in the CIRAD joint research unit UMR ABSys at Kourou in French Guinea. Head of the Tropical Agroforestry Systems (TAFS) team, he works on the functioning and design of agroforestry systems, with the following objectives: to enhance farmers’ livelihoods and food security; to develop agroforestry systems that are more resilient with respect to hazards and climate change. He studies trade-offs between ecosystem services that these complex systems may provide.

Aurélie Carimentrand

Aurélie Carimentrand is an economist in the Food, Innovations, Territory and Regulations (ALISTAR) team of the Innovation and Development in Agriculture and Food joint research unit (UMR INNOVATION, Based in Montpellier, she carries out research on certification systems regarding the social and environmental quality and origin of food commodities, on socioeconomic and territorial innovations related to these systems, as well as on their impacts.


Authors' publications

Andreotti F., Mao Z., Jagoret P., Speelman E. N., Gary G., Saj S., 2018. Exploring management strategies to enhance the provision of ecosystem services in complex smallholder agroforestry systems. Ecological Indicators 94 (Part 1): 257-265.

Carimentrand A., 2020. Cacao : état des lieux sur la déforestation et les standards de durabilité. CIRAD Appraisal Report. Sponsor: Forest Scientific and Technical Committee of the French Development Agency (AFD). Montpellier, CIRAD, 76 p.

Jagoret P., Michel I., Todem Ngnogué H., Lachenaud P., Snoeck D., Malézieux E., 2017. Structural characteristics determine productivity in complex cocoa agroforestry systems. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 37: 60.

Jagoret P., Ruf F., Du Castel C., Harmand J.-M., Rafflegeau S., Saj S., Snoeck D., Wibaux T., 2019. Agroforestry: diversified practices for the agroecological transition of African cacao farming. In: The agroecological transition of agricultural systems in the Global South. Côte F.-X., Poirier-Magona E., Perret S., Roudier P., Rapidel B., Thirion M.-C. (Eds). Versailles, Editions Quae (Collection Agricultures et défis du monde), pp. 59-73. ISBN 978-2-7592-3056-3.

Saj S., Durot C., Mvondo Sakouma K., Tayo Gamo K., Avana-Tientcheu M.-L., 2017. Contribution of associated trees to long-term species conservation, carbon storage and sustainability: A functional analysis of tree communities in cacao plantations of Central Cameroon. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 15: 282-302.

Saj S., Jagoret P., Etoa L. E., Eteckji Fonkeng E., Tarla J. N., Essobo Nieboukaho J.-D., Mvondo Sakouma K., 2017. Lessons learned from the long-term analysis of cacao yield and stand structure in central Cameroonian agroforestry systems. Agricultural Systems 156: 95-104.

CIRAD platform in partnership for research and training (dP) mentioned

dP Agroforestry systems in Central Africa - Agroforesterie Cameroun,

Other references

Amsterdam Declaration ‘Towards Eliminating Deforestation from Agricultural Commodity Chains with European Countries’. PDF document posted online on 18-01-2017 in the web archive:


French Ministry of Ecological Transition (France), 2018. Stratégie nationale de lutte contre la déforestation importée 2018-2030 (SNDI).

International Cocoa Organisation (ICCO).

Rainforest Alliance.

UTZ, Part of the Rainforest Alliance.

World Cocoa Foundation (WCF).

rd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). COP23,


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Comment citer

Jagoret, P., Saj, S., & Carimentrand, A. (2020). Cocoa agroforestry systems in Africa – the art of reconciling sustainable production and ecological services. Perspective, (54), 1–4.