Organic agriculture in Africa: a source of innovation for agricultural development


Hubert De Bon
Pauline Bendjebbar



organic agriculture, agroecology, food security, small farms, yield, cropping systems, participatory research, sustainability, innovation


East Africa, Burundi, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, South Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania, West Africa, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Benin, Cameroon, Zambia, Nigeria, Namibia


Version française de l'article

In Africa, official statistics contain little data on organic agriculture, even though its products are increasingly available on local and export markets. African consumer demand is growing, providing a dynamic economic opportunity. Today, there is no doubt that organic agriculture is making an important contribution to the agro-ecological transition process underway in Africa. It reduces the adverse environmental and health impacts of agriculture, particularly because it uses no synthetic chemical inputs. It improves the resilience of agricultural systems. Under certain conditions, its specific techniques can increase agricultural productivity, even if its yields are on average lower than those in conventional agriculture. Organic systems are labour-intensive, and as such can be a source of employment for young people in rural areas. Some scientific studies and the initiatives undertaken by many local actors confirm the importance of organic agriculture in this continent. Agricultural research now needs to support its emergence, in a context in which very few studies have so far been conducted on this subject. To ensure these fledgling initiatives develop, research could also contribute to appropriate public policy making at different levels.

Biographies des auteurs

Hubert De Bon

Hubert De Bon is an agronomist at CIRAD in the HORTSYS research unit in Montpellier (Agro-ecological Functioning and Performances of Horticultural Systems, His work focuses on vegetable crops and organic agriculture.

Ludovic Temple

Ludovic Temple is an economist with accreditation to supervise research at CIRAD in the INNOVATION joint research unit in Montpellier (Innovation and Development in Agriculture and Food, He works on innovation systems for ecological transitions in agriculture and food security.

Eric Malézieux

Éric Malézieux is an agronomist and researcher at CIRAD, working on the functioning and design of agro-ecological horticultural systems and agroforestry systems. After heading the HORTSYS research unit ( for 10 years, he now focuses more specifically on the development of global agronomy.

Pauline Bendjebbar

Pauline Bendjebbar is a doctoral student in the LISIS joint research unit (Interdisciplinary Laboratory Sciences, Innovation, Society, and at UPEM (University Paris-Est Marne-La-Vallée, France, She is hosted by CIRAD in the MOISA joint research unit in Montpellier (Markets, Organisations, Institutions and Stakeholders’ Strategies, Her thesis is a comparison of organic agriculture in Uganda and Benin.

Eve Fouilleux

Eve Fouilleux is Director of Research at CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research, France, in the LISIS joint research unit, and works at CIRAD in the MOISA joint research unit in Montpellier. She is a specialist in agricultural and food policies and focuses on regulatory mechanisms for organic agriculture and the controversies surrounding this sector.

Pierre Silvie

Pierre Silvie is an entomologist and research fellow at IRD (French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, France,, on secondment to CIRAD in the AIDA research unit in Montpellier (Agroecology and Sustainable Intensification of Annual Crops, He works on organic cotton and food crops and focuses on the analysis of plant health risks linked to invasive exotic arthropods.


Authors' publications

Andriamampianina L., Temple L., de Bon H., Malézieux É., Makowski D., 2018. Évaluation pluri-critères de l’agriculture biologique en Afrique subsaharienne par élicitation probabiliste des connaissances d’experts. Cahiers Agricultures 27 (4): 45002.

Bendjebbar P., 2018. La trajectoire d'institutionnalisation de l’agriculture biologique en Ouganda, success-story de l’Afrique subsaharienne. Cahiers Agricultures 27 (4): 45003.

Boni Y., Silvie P., Assogba Komlan F., Mensah A., Alabi T., Verheggen F., Francis F., 2017. Plantes pesticides et protection des cultures maraîchères en Afrique de l’Ouest (bibliographic summary). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement 21 (4): 288-304.

Fouilleux È., Loconto A., 2017. Voluntary standards, certification and accreditation in the global organic agriculture field: a tripartite model of techno-politics. Agriculture and Human Values 34 (1): 1-14.

Fouilleux È., Loconto A., 2017. Dans les coulisses des labels : régulation tripartite et marchés imbriqués. De l’européanisation à la globalisation de l’agriculture biologique. Revue Française de Sociologie 58 (3): 501-531.

Lesur-Dumoulin C., Malézieux É., Ben-Ari T., Langlais C., Makowski D., 2017. Lower average yields but similar yield variability in organic versus conventional horticulture. A meta-analysis. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 37: 45.

Temple L., Touzard J.-M., Kwa M., Boyer J., Requier-Desjardins D., 2015. Comparaison des trajectoires d’innovation pour la sécurisation alimentaire des pays du Sud. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement 19 (1): 53-61.

Temple L., Fouilleux È., Malézieux É., Rafflegeau S., De Bon H., Silvie P., Vayssières J.-F., Affholder F., Montet D., Joly H., Fernandes P., Bendjebbar P., Le Gal P.-Y., Maraux F., 2015. Contributions de la recherche agronomique à l’agriculture biologique dans les pays du Sud : note de synthèse, groupe de travail agriculture biologique, Cirad, Montpellier. Cirad, Montpellier, 13 p.

Other references

FiBL, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Europe).

ICROFS, International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (Denmark).

IFOAM, International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (Germany).

IFOAM. Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS).

Louis Bolk Institute (Netherlands).

Organic World. Global organic farming statistics and news.

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Austria).


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Comment citer

De Bon, H., Temple, L., Malézieux, E., Bendjebbar, P., Fouilleux, E., & Silvie, P. (2018). Organic agriculture in Africa: a source of innovation for agricultural development. Perspective, (48), 1–4.