Strengthening health decision-making at the territorial level: operational support for spatial multi-criteria evaluation




Animal disease, zoonosis, avian influenza, Rift Valley fever, public health, high risk area, transmission, prevention, risk-based surveillance, One Health, spatial epidemiology, modelling


Version française de l'article

Animal diseases and zoonoses, infectious diseases that can be transmitted between animals and humans, are a global socio-economic and public health problem. Ensuring the surveillance and control of these diseases implies identifying high risk areas. Maps of these areas can be produced using spatial multi-criteria evaluation, a recent method that is rigorous and quick to implement. Animal health and veterinary public health policymakers are still relatively unfamiliar with this method, but it is suited to regions with little access to reliable epidemiological data, such as low-income countries in the South or disease-free areas. The maps are built with local experts in the regions concerned. They present risk indices combining geographical and environmental data, expert opinions and information from existing studies and surveys. These maps can then be used to better target disease surveillance and control.

Biographies des auteurs

Annelise Tran

Annelise Tran is a researcher in geomatics at CIRAD in the TETIS Joint Research Unit (Land, Environment, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information, and an associate researcher in the ASTRE Joint Research Unit. She is based in Réunion. Her activities focus on the development of remote sensing and spatial modelling methods with applications in the field of health.

François Roger

François Roger is a veterinarian and epidemiologist at CIRAD where he is co-director of the ASTRE Joint Research Unit (Animals, Health, Territories, Risks and Ecosystems, After a number of years working in sub-Saharan Africa, Europe and Asia, he is now based in Réunion, where he coordinates several crosscutting, multi-site studies in the field of health.


Authors' publications

Paul M. C., Goutard F. L., Roulleau F., Holl D., Thanapongtharm W., Roger R. L., Tran A., 2016. Quantitative assessment of a spatial multicriteria model for highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 in Thailand, and application in Cambodia. Nature Scientific Reports 6: 31096.

Tran A., Trevennec C., Lutwama J., Sserugga J., Gély M., Pittiglio C., Pinto J., Chevalier V., 2016. Development and Assessment of a Geographic Knowledge-Based Model for Mapping Suitable Areas for Rift Valley Fever Transmission in Eastern Africa. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10 (9): e0004999.

Tran A., Ippoliti C., Balenghien T., Conte A., Gely M., Calistri P., Goffredo M., Baldet T., Chevalier V., 2013. A geographical information system-based multicriteria evaluation to map areas at risk for rift valley fever vector-borne transmission in Italy. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 60 (suppl. 2): 14-23.

Other references

Aenishaenslin C., Hongoh V., Djibrilla Cissé H., Gatewood Hoen A., Samoura K., Michel P., Waaub J.-P., Bélanger D., 2013. Multi-criteria decision analysis as an innovative approach to managing zoonoses: results from a study on Lyme disease in Canada. BMC Public Health 13: 897.

AWARE, Agricultural Web Atlas for research on agriculture, environment and tropical agronomy (CIRAD).

ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control) tool for the prioritisation of infectious disease threats.

European Environment and Epidemiology (E3) Network. E3 Geoportal

Institut Pasteur de Madagascar. EPI-GISVEC Project, GIS and VEctor Control program to identify priority areas for insecticide residual spraying.

QGIS, open-source geographical information system application.


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Comment citer

Tran, A., & Roger, F. (2018). Strengthening health decision-making at the territorial level: operational support for spatial multi-criteria evaluation. Perspective, (46), 1–4.