Farmers organisations and quality chains in Vietnam. Promoting information and cooperation


Anh Dao The



family farms, state intervention, foods, biosafety, health policies, quality, market regulations, standards, case studies, rice, beef, vegetables, marketing, consumer behaviour


Version française de l'article

In all countries, demand for quality food is on the increase. Governments and multinationals are promulgating rules and standards regarding production conditions, inspections and certification. But smallholders often struggle to meet such conditions and to take advantage of these new opportunities. Vietnam provides a good example of this issue. Demand for safe and tasty food is rapidly increasing in domestic and international markets. Family farmers cultivating small areas – the vast majority of producers – cannot meet this demand adequately, despite active public policies in favour of quality. What can be done to remedy this situation?

Biographies des auteurs

Paule Moustier

An economist at CIRAD in the MOISA joint research unit (Markets, Organisations, Institutions and Stakeholder Strategies,, Paule Moustier works on the organisation and performance of food chains supplying towns in Africa and Asia. From 2002 to 2009, she was based in Hanoi within the MALICA Platform in partnership for research and training (Sustainable food systems for Asian cities, From 2007 to 2009, she coordinated the Superchain project.

Anh Dao The

Director of the Center for Agrarian Systems Research and Development (CASRAD) at the Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Science (, Dao The Anh is an agricultural economist. He has coordinated numerous projects on food chains, farmers organisations and quality management in Vietnam.


Authors' publications

Figuié M., Moustier P., 2009. Market appeal in an emerging economy: Supermarkets and poor consumers in Vietnam. Food Policy 34 (2): 210-217.

Moustier P., Dao The Anh, Silinthone Sacklokham, 2009. Linking small-scale farmers to supermarkets and other quality chains. Final Superchain report. Montpellier, Cirad, 12 p.

Moustier P., Dao The Anh, 2009. Guidelines for smallholder access to high quality value chains in Vietnam. A handbook based on the Superchain experience. ;

Moustier P., Figuié M., Dao The Anh, Nguyen Thi Tan Loc, 2009. Are supermarkets poor-friendly? Debates and evidence from Vietnam. In: A. Lindgreen, M. Hingley (eds), Controversies in Food and Agricultural Marketing, p. 311-327. Gower Publishing, CRC Press, 382 p. ISBN 978-0-566-08812-4.

Moustier P., Nguyen Thi Tan Loc, Huaiyu Wang, 2009. Guidelines on good trading practices for vegetable farmer organizations. Superchain working paper.

Moustier P., Phan Thi Giac Tam, Dao The Anh, Vu Trong Binh, Nguyen Thi Tan Loc, 2009. The role of farmer organisations supplying supermarkets with quality food in Vietnam. Food Policy 35 (1): 69-78.

Other references

Codron J.-M., Fares M., Rouvière É., 2007. From public to private safety regulation? The case of negotiated agreements in the French fresh produce import industry. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 6 (3): 415-427.

Dao Duc Huan, 2009. Management policy on food hygiene and safety, current issues and challenges. Presentation to MALICA workshop, December 15, 2009, Hanoi, Ipsard/Rudec.

Kaganzi E., Ferris S., Barham J., Abenakyo A., Sanginga P., Njuki J., 2008. Sustaining linkages to highvalue markets through collective action in Uganda. Food Policy 34 (1): 23-30.

Khosla R., 2006. A participatory organic guarantee system for India. FAO Final Report October 2006, 53 p.

Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, Cida. 2009. Report on Supplementary Food Safety Survey Results.


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Comment citer

Moustier, P., & Dao The, A. (2010). Farmers organisations and quality chains in Vietnam. Promoting information and cooperation. Perspective, (5), 1–4.