Payments for environmental services and Development. Combining conservation incentives with investment
DOI :és
services, ecosystem services, incentives, environmental policies, resource conservation, investment, intensification, impact assessmentRésumé
Version française de l'article
Paying communities or producers to maintain the quality of water or biodiversity; encouraging farmers to adopt environmentally friendly practices; paying developing countries to avoid deforestation and thereby reduce CO2 emissions: interest in payments for environmental services (PES) is growing throughout the world. However, past experience shows that PES are not without their problems: the criterion used to determine the amount; the methods used to evaluate effectiveness; and the uncertain use of payments, etc. Hence the proposal to combine direct incentives to protect ecosystems, especially forests, with the ecological intensification of agriculture and investment in land.
Author's publications
Buba J., Karsenty A. (avec Bassaler N. et Ongolo S.), 2010. La lutte contre la déforestation dans les « États fragiles » : une vision renouvelée de l’aide au développement. Paris, Centre d’analyse stratégique, Note de veille n° 180.
Gregersen H., El Lakany H., Karsenty A., White A., 2010. Does the Opportunity Cost Approach Indicate the Real Cost of REDD+? Rights and Realities of Paying for REDD+. Washington, Rights and Resources Initiative, 23 p. -
Karsenty A., Sembrés T., Randrianarison M., 2010. Paiements pour services environnementaux et biodiversité dans les pays du Sud : le salut par la « déforestation évitée » ? Revue Tiers Monde 202 : 53-74.
Other references
Conseil d’analyse stratégique, 2009. L’approche économique de la biodiversité et des services liés aux écosystèmes. Rapports et documents n° 18. Paris, La Documentation française.
Wunder S. 2005. Payments for environmental services: some nuts and bolts. CIFOR Occasional Paper 42, 26 p.
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