Bovine piroplasmosis in the provinces of Skikda and Oum El Bouaghi (Northeastern Algeria): Epidemiological study and estimation of milk yield losses


    M.C. Benchikh Elfegoun, M. Gharbi, Z. Merzekani, K. Kohil



cattle, Babesia bigemina, Babesia bovis, Theileria annulata, piroplasmosis, Algeria


During a survey carried out in 88 farms located in two provinces of Northeastern Algeria – Oum El Bouaghi and Skikda –, 89 clinical cases of piroplasmosis (i.e. an 11.6% infection rate in the examined cattle) were reported between May and September 2011 in 86.4% of the visited farms. Three species of piroplasms were identified in the blood films stained with Giemsa: Theileria annulata (in 94.0% of the sick animals), Babesia bovis (33.7%) and Babesia bigemina (3.4%), with 31% of co-infections. No significant difference was observed in the prevalence between the two provinces, nor between cattle breeds. Tropical theileriosis caused a significant drop in milk production estimated at 319 liters per infected cow during the two months following the disease. Seven tick species were collected in the farms during the study period. The infestation peak was observed in July for Hyalomma scupense (syn. H. detritum), H. lusitanicum, H. anatolicum, Rhipicephalus bursa and R. turanicus, and in August for H. marginatum and H. excavatum. A positive correlation was observed between clinical cases of tropical theileriosis and H. scupense infestation on one hand, and clinical cases of babesiosis and R. bursa infestation on the other hand.


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  • M.C. Benchikh Elfegoun Laboratoire de parasitologie, Institut des sciences vétérinaires, Université Mentouri, 25000 Constantine, Algerie
  • M. Gharbi Laboratoire de parasitologie, Université Manouba, Institution de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur agricole, Ecole nationale de médecine vétérinaire de Sidi Thabet, Sidi Thabet, Tunisie
  • Z. Merzekani Laboratoire de parasitologie, Institut des sciences vétérinaires, Université Mentouri, 25000 Constantine, Algérie
  • K. Kohil Laboratoire de parasitologie, Institut des sciences vétérinaires, Université Mentouri, 25000 Constantine, Algérie


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How to Cite

Benchikh Elfegoun, M. C., Gharbi, M., Merzekani, Z., & Kohil, K. (2018). Bovine piroplasmosis in the provinces of Skikda and Oum El Bouaghi (Northeastern Algeria): Epidemiological study and estimation of milk yield losses. Revue d’élevage Et De médecine vétérinaire Des Pays Tropicaux, 70(3), 105–110.



Animal health and epidemiology

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