Assessing the contribution of livestock systems to development in drylands: indicators for appropriate public policies




Indicator, Adaptive capacity, Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, Livestock system, Sustainability, Pastoralism, Assessment, Arid ecosystem, Arid region, Semi-arid region, Socio-ecosystem, Mixed crop-livestock system, Dryland


Africa, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, World


Version française de l'article

In drylands, scientific research shows that mobile livestock systems derive the maximum social, environmental and economic benefits from these areas. These systems ensure both short-term security in case of shocks and, in the right conditions, investment capacity. However, it is difficult to develop indicators to understand and assess their contribution to territorial development, as they sit at the intersection between several scales of space and time, as well as of social and institutional organisation. The operational framework proposed here is aimed at rethinking the role of livestock systems in the sustainability of resources and societies in drylands. Six types of development indicators compare these three dimensions: characteristics of herds and of goods and services provided by the species bred, herd size, herd management system, management of land and resources use, access to state support, and dependence on markets. This framework invites policymakers to integrate these different scales in order to understand the adaption mechanisms and the risks associated with intervention.

Biographies des auteurs

Véronique Alary

Véronique Alary is an agro-economist at CIRAD in the Joint Research Unit SELMET (Mediterranean and Tropical Livestock Systems),, based at ICARDA (International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, in Tunisia. Her research focuses on the place and role of livestock systems in the socio-economic viability of households.

Denis Gautier

Denis Gautier is a geographer at CIRAD, and Assistant Director of the Environments and Societies Department. His research focuses on the governance and management of renewable natural resources in the semi-arid and arid tropical regions, particularly in Africa.


Authors' publications

Alary V., Lasseur J., Frija A., Gautier D., 2022. Assessing the sustainability of livestock socio-ecosystems in the drylands through a set of indicators. Agricultural Systems 198: 103389.

Alary V., Messad S., Aboul-Naga A., Osman M. A., Abdelsabour T. H., Salah A.-A. E., Juanès X., 2020. Multi-criteria assessment of the sustainability of crop-livestock farming systems in the reclaimed desert lands of Egypt. Agricultural Systems 183: 102863.

Alary V., Aboulnaga A. M., Osman M.-A., Taha H., 2018. Adapt the LSITP tool on existing databases and discuss different scenarios of technologies or management improvement at the farm and household level using three livestock systems' areas in Egypt as a case study. Working Paper, CGIAR, Research Program on Livestock, 49 p.

Alary V., Moulin C.-H., Lasseur J., Aboulnaga A. M., Sraïri M. T., 2017. The future of Mediterranean Livestock Farming Systems: Opportunity and efficiency of Crops – Livestock Integration. Final report CLIMED. ARIMNET project - European Union, 60 p.

Alary V., Aboul-Naga A., El Shafie M., Abdelkrim N., Hamdon H., Metawi H A., 2015. Roles of small ruminants in rural livelihood improvement – Comparative analysis in Egypt. Revue d’Élevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux 68 (2-3) : 79-85.

Alary V., Dutilly C., Bonnet P., Lesnoff M., Juanes X., 2013. LSIPT Toolkit. Manuals. Montpellier, CIRAD.

Dutilly C., Alary V., Bonnet P., Lesnoff M., Fandamu P., De Haan Cees, 2020. Multi-scale assessment of the livestock sector for policy design in Zambia. Journal of Policy Modeling 42 (2): 401-418.

Richard D., Alary V., Corniaux C., Duteurtre G., Lhoste P., 2019. Dynamique des élevages pastoraux et agropastoraux en Afrique intertropicale. Versailles : Editions Quae, CTA, Presses agronomiques de Gembloux, 268 p.

Other references

Burrell A.L., Evans J.P., De Kauwe M.G., 2020. Anthropogenic climate change has driven over 5 million km2 of drylands towards desertification. Nature Communications 11 (1): 1-11.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 2009. The state of food and agriculture 2009. Livestock in the balance. Rome, FAO, 180 p. ISBN 978-92-5-106215-9.

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High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security (HLPE), 2016. Sustainable agricultural development for food security and nutrition: what roles for livestock? Rome, HLPE. HLPE Report 10, 140 p.

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United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), 2017. Global Land Outlook. First Edition. Bonn, Germany, 340 p.


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Comment citer

Alary, V., & Gautier, D. (2023). Assessing the contribution of livestock systems to development in drylands: indicators for appropriate public policies. Perspective, (60), 1–4.