Intervention on biofuels and the Japan WTO rice stock to stabilise world food prices




Price, price stabilisation, price policy, food product, grain, wheat, rice, maize, vegetable oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, palm oil, soybean oil, crude oil, biofuel, fossil fuels, economic crisis, food security, world market, food stock, WTO, domestic market


Africa, United States, world, developed country, developing country, Russia, Ukraine, European Union countries


Version française de l'article

This issue n°59 is part of the Perspective series on Crises and food security.

On international markets, prices of grains (wheat, maize) and vegetable oils (rapeseed, sunflower, soybean, palm) have been rising since mid-2020. Biofuels play a major part in this increase, and the war in Ukraine, which began in February 2022, has exacerbated it. Biofuels in fact link the price of these commodities to that of crude oil: when the crude oil price rises, the biofuels industry increases its demand for maize and vegetable oils. Temporarily limiting this industrial usage would reduce the price of these commodities. Moreover, in case of an increase in rice prices, one solution would be to authorise Japan to export the rice stock it has built up under World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. In order to prevent future crises, these two levers could be activated as soon as world prices of these agricultural commodities reach predetermined levels.

Biographie de l'auteur

Franck Galtier

Franck Galtier is an economist at CIRAD in the Joint Research Unit MoISA (Montpellier Interdisciplinary Center on Sustainable Agri-food Systems, His research focuses on markets, crises and food policies. In recent years, he has undertaken extensive research on the management of price instability and food reserves.


Author's publications

Galtier F. 2022. Nous pouvons (et devons) stopper la crise sur les marchés internationaux. Fondation pour l’agriculture et la ruralité dans le monde (FARM), blog post, 13/06/2022.

Galtier F., 2019. Why food prices are likely to become more unstable. In: Food systems at risk. New trends and challenges. Dury S., Bendjebbar P., Hainzelin E., Giordano T., Bricas N. (Eds). Rome, CIRAD-FAO, p. 107-110. ISBN 978-2-87614-751-5.

European Commission (report coordinated by Galtier F., and written by Galtier F., Dorosh P., Belik W., Almeida Cunha A., Alpha A., Pémou B., Blein R., Rashid S., Alemu D., Timmer P. C., Onyekwena C., Clarete R., Hathie I., Chapoto A.), 2018. Using food reserves to enhance food and nutrition security in developing countries. Synthesis Report. European Commission, Brussels, Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development, 98 p.

Galtier F., 2013. Managing food price instability: Critical assessment of the dominant doctrine. Global Food Security 2 (2): 72-81.

Galtier F., 2013. Que faire face à l’instabilité des prix alimentaires dans les pays en développement ? Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie d'Agriculture de France 99 (1): 15-23.

Galtier F., Vindel B., Timmer P. C., 2013. Managing food price instability in developing countries: a critical analysis of strategies and instruments. Paris, AFD, 280 p. (Collection À savoir: AFD, 17).

Other references

Baffes J., Nagle P., 2022. Commodity Markets: Evolution, Challenges, and Policies. Washington, DC, World Bank.

Courteau R., Fugit J.-L., 2020. L’agriculture face au défi de la production d’énergie. Paris, Office parlementaire d’évaluation des choix scientifiques et technologiques (OPECST). Rapport n° 3220 déposé à l’Assemblée nationale le 16 juillet 2020. Rapport n° 646 déposé le 16 juillet 2020 au Sénat, 191 p.

High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security (HLPE), 2013. Biofuels and food security. Rome, HLPE. HLPE Report 5, 156 p.

Slayton T., Timmer P., 2008. Unwanted Rice in Japan Can Solve the Rice Crisis—If Washington and Tokyo Act. CGD Notes (May 09, 2008), Washington, DC, Center for Global Development.

World Trade Organization (WTO).

World Trade Organization (WTO). Dispute settlement – Dispute Settlement Body (DSB).

Wright B., 2009. International Grain Reserves and Other Instruments to Address Volatility in Grain Markets. Policy Research Working Paper 5028, World Bank, Washington, DC.


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Comment citer

Galtier, F. (2022). Intervention on biofuels and the Japan WTO rice stock to stabilise world food prices. Perspective, (59), 1–4.