Managing degraded forests, a new priority in the Brazilian Amazon


Joice Ferreira
Milton Kanashiro



disturbed forests, forests, damage, deforestation, forest management, regional policies, forestry policies, planning, forest protection, climate change, sustainable development, remote sensing, spatial information, landscape, interdisciplinarity, non-timber forest products


Amazon; Brazil


Version française de l'article

Versão portuguesa do artigo

In the Brazilian Amazon, degraded forests dominate the landscapes on the agricultural frontiers. This region is now facing a major challenge: halting degradation and sustainably managing these forests. Today, degraded forests represent a class of forest in their own right. They can nevertheless play a key role in combating climate change, and can also help to improve the ecological functioning of the different territories. Implementing public policies with the twin objectives of reducing degradation and promoting these forests implies strong support from research. In this Perspective, we focus on four research priorities: developing methods to characterise and monitor degraded forests; drafting specific forest management plans; understanding the role played by all social actors; and supporting policies at the territorial level.

Biographies des auteurs

Lilian Blanc

Lilian Blanc is a forest ecologist at CIRAD in the Forests and Societies Research Unit (, Montpellier, France.

Joice Ferreira

Joice Ferreira is a biologist at EMBRAPA (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation,, Belém, Brazil.

Marie-Gabrielle Piketty

Marie-Gabrielle Piketty is an economist at CIRAD in the GREEN Research Unit (Management of Renewable Resources and Environment,, Montpellier, France.

Clément Bourgoin

Clément Bourgoin is a remote sensing geographer at CIRAD in the Forests and Societies Research Unit (, Montpellier, France.

Valéry Gond

Valéry Gond is a remote sensing geographer at CIRAD in the Forests and Societies Research Unit (, Montpellier, France.

Bruno Hérault

Bruno Hérault is an ecological modeller at CIRAD in the EcoFoG Joint Research Unit (Ecology of Guianan Forests,, Kourou, Guyana, France.

Milton Kanashiro

Milton Kanashiro is a forest engineer at EMBRAPA (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation,, Belém, Brazil.

François Laurent

François Laurent is a professor of geography in the Areas and Societies Joint Research Unit, ESO laboratory Le Mans (, Le Mans University, France.

Marc Piraux

Marc Piraux is a geographer at CIRAD in the TETIS Joint Research Unit (Land, Environment, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information,, Belém, Brazil.

Ervan Rutishauser

Ervan Rutishauser is a forest ecologist working for the company CarboFor-Expert (, Switzerland.

Plinio Sist

Plinio Sist is a forest ecologist at CIRAD in the Forests and Societies Research Unit (, Montpellier, France.


Authors' publications

Berenguer E., Ferreira J., Gardner T.A., Aragão L. E.O.C., De Carmargo, P.B., Cerri C.E., Durigan M., Oliveira R.C.D., Vieira I. C.G., Barlow J.A., 2014. A large-scale field assessment of carbon stocks in human-modified tropical forests. Global Change Biology 20 (12): 3713–3726.

Bourgoin C., Baghdadi N., Blanc L., Ferreira J., Gond V., Mazzei L., Oswald J., 2015. Identifying classes of degraded forests in an Amazonian Landscape from remote-sensing. Communication at 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Society for Conservation Biology, 2-6 August 2015, Montpellier, France.

Ferreira J., Blanc L., Kanashiro M., Lees A.C., Bourgoin C., Veloso de Freitas J., Bentes Gama M., Laurent F., Martins M.B., Moura N., d´Oliveira M.V., Doff Sotta E., de Souza C.R., Ruschel A.R., Schwartz G., Zwerts J., Sist P., 2015. Degradação florestal na Amazônia: como ultrapassar os limites conceituais, científicos e técnicos para mudar esse cenário. Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Bélem, Documentos 413, 31 p., ISSN 1983-0513.

Rutishauser E., Hérault B., Baraloto C., Blanc L., Descroix L., Doff Sotta E., Ferreira J., Kanashiro M., Mazzei L., Oliveira M.V.N., de Oliveira L.C., Peña-Claros M., Putz F.E., Ruschel A.R., Rodney K., Roopsind A., Shenkin A., da Silva K.E., de Souza C.R., Toledo M., Vidal E., West T.A.P., Wortel V., Sist P., 2015. Rapid tree carbon recovery in Amazonian logged forests. Current Biology 25 (18): R787-R788.

Other references

European Space Agency (ESA), SENTINEL Missions.

Imazon (non-governmental organisation).

National Centre for Space Studies (Centre national d’études spatiales, CNES, France). BIOMASS, a satellite to survey forests.

National Institute for Space Research, Brazil (INPE, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais).


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Comment citer

Blanc, L., Ferreira, J., Piketty, M.-G., Bourgoin, C., Gond, V., Hérault, B., Kanashiro, M., Laurent, F., Piraux, M., Rutishauser, E., & Sist, P. (2017). Managing degraded forests, a new priority in the Brazilian Amazon. Perspective, (40), 1–4.


