Public policy for family farming. Definition for better support
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family farms, small farms, small enterprises, rural sociology, sustainable developmentRésumé
Version française de l'article
The International Year of Family Farming has focused world attention on the economic and social role played by this type of agriculture, as well as on its potential for meeting global challenges. It has also identified weaknesses and the need for decisive, far-reaching public action to overcome these. However, policy making and implementation require a clear-cut statistical definition of family farming at the global level, as well as a detailed picture of the various forms this agriculture may take at the national level. Hence the proposal to characterise family farming by the conjunction between the domestic unit and the production unit, and to determine criteria for fine-tuning this definition in each country.Références
Authors' publications
Bélières J.-F., Bonnal P., Bosc P.-M., Losch B., Marzin J., Sourisseau J.-M., 2014. Les agricultures familiales du monde. Définitions, contributions et politiques publiques. Paris, Agence française de développement (AFD), Collection À savoir n° 28, 200 p.
Bosc P.-M., Sourisseau J.-M., Bonnal P., Gasselin P., Valette E., Bélières J.-F. (Eds), 2018. Diversity of family farming around the World. Existence, transformations and possible futures of family farms. Cham, Springer, 340 p. ISBN 978-94-024-1616-9.
HLPE, 2013. Investing in smallholder agriculture for food security. A report by the high level panel of experts on food security and nutrition. Rome, CFS-HLPE, 112 p.
Losch B., Fréguin-Gresh S., White E., 2012. Structural Transformation and Rural Change Revisited: Challenges for Late Developing Countries in a Globalizing World. World Bank, Agence française de développement (AFD), 306 p.
Sabourin E., Samper M., Sotomayor O. (eds), 2014. Políticas públicas y agriculturas familiares en América Latina y el Caribe. Balance, desafíos y perspectivas. Santiago de Chile, CEPAL, Colección Documentos de Proyecto, 300 p.
Sourisseau J.-M. (Ed.), 2015. Family Farming and the Worlds to Come. Dordrecht, Springer, 361 p. ISBN 978-94-017-9357-5.
Sourisseau J.-M., Bosc P.-M., Freguin-Gresh S., Bélières J.-F., Bonnal P., Le Coq J.-F., Anseeuw W., Dury S., 2012. Les modèles familiaux de production agricole en question. Comprendre leur diversité et leur fonctionnement. Autrepart (62): 159-181.
Other references
Collier P., Dercon S., 2014. African Agriculture in 50 years: smallholders in a rapidly changing world. World Development (63): 92-101.
Friedmann H., 2013. Farming Households in 1973 and Today: One path for agriculture or many paths for farming? Forthcoming.
Lamarche H., 1991. L’agriculture familiale. Comparaisons internationales I. Une réalité polymorphe. Paris, L’Harmattan, 304 p. ISBN 2-7384-1171-1.
Tchayanov A.V., 1990. L’organisation de l’économie paysanne, 1re édition 1923, Paris, Librairie du Regard, 344 p.
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