Sustainable forest management policies in Central Africa. Taking the informal sector into account


Paolo Cerutti



forests, tropical forests, forest products, wood, sawnwood, felling, illegal practices, natural resources management, forest protection, forest regulations, environmental legislation, forestry policies, forest management, forestry economics


Version française de l'article

For 20 years, the Congo Basin countries have been implementing policies aimed at the sustainable management of their forest resources and at poverty reduction. These policies target the major timber concessions, whose production is exported, but overlook the informal small-scale chainsaw milling sector, which supplies domestic and regional markets. Yet this sector has taken the lead in terms of the volume of timber produced and provides jobs and income. At a time when States are increasingly urged to guarantee the legality – or even sustainability – of their production, it is urgent that they implement policies to ensure their small-scale chainsaw milling operations are more sustainable and to formalise the sector.

Biographies des auteurs

Guillaume Lescuyer

Guillaume Lescuyer holds a PhD in ecological economics (École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), and is a researcher at CIRAD (BSEF Research Unit, Tropical Forest Goods and Ecosystem Services, Currently stationed at the CIFOR regional office in Yaoundé (Center for International Forestry Research,, he focuses on the issue of small-scale logging in the Congo Basin countries, and on the decentralised management of forest resources.

Paolo Cerutti

Paolo Cerutti is a researcher at CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research,, based in the East Africa regional office in Nairobi. After studying forest science, he obtained a PhD in environmental management at the Australian National University in 2012. From 2004 to 2012 in Cameroon, he studied forest management and its socioeconomic consequences. Since then he has been working on forest governance and illegal logging in East African countries.


Authors' publications

Benneker C., Assumani D-M., Maindo A., Bola F., Kimbuani G., Lescuyer G., Esuka JC., Kasongo E., Begaa S. (Eds), 2012. Le bois à l’ordre du jour. Exploitation artisanale de bois d’œuvre en RD Congo : Secteur porteur d’espoir pour le développement des petites et moyennes entreprises. Wageningen, Tropenbos International. ISBN: 78-90-5113-109-3.

Cerutti P.O., Lescuyer G., 2011. Le marché domestique du sciage artisanal au Cameroun : état des lieux, opportunités et défis. Bogor, CIFOR, Document occasionnel 59, 56 p. ISBN 978-602-8693-42-4.

Cerutti P.O., Tacconi L., Lescuyer G., Nasi R., 2012. Cameroon’s hidden harvest: Commercial chainsaw logging, corruption and livelihoods. Society and Natural Resources 26 (5): 539-553.

Kishor N., Lescuyer G., 2012. Controlling illegal logging in domestic and international markets by harnessing multi-level governance opportunities. International Journal of the Commons 6 (2): 255-270.

Lescuyer G., Cerutti P.O., Essiane Mendoula E., Eba’a Atyi R., Nasi R., 2012. Évaluation du secteur du sciage artisanal dans le bassin du Congo. In: de Wasseige C., de Marcken P., Bayol N., Hiol Hiol F., Mayaux P., Desclée B., Nasi R., Billand A., Defourny P., Eba’a R. (Eds), Les forêts du bassin du Congo. État des forêts 2010. Luxembourg, Office des publications de l’Union européenne. pp. 97-107.

Other reference

Ondele-Kanga A., 2012. Un code du marché domestique du bois au Congo-Brazzaville. Paris, L’Harmattan. EAN 978-2336008394.


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Comment citer

Lescuyer, G., & Cerutti, P. (2013). Sustainable forest management policies in Central Africa. Taking the informal sector into account. Perspective, (21), 1–4.