Towards concessions 2.0 in Central Africa Managing overlapping rights between industrial concessions and community forestry
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communal forests, forests, natural resources management, forest regulations, right of accessRésumé
Version française de l'article
In Central Africa, industrial forest concessions and protected areas occupy most of the forested space while community forests are confined to the margins. This separation ignores the reality of land rights and overlapping uses, as well as the need for governance involving different users of the same space. The mapping of local land rights lays the foundation for sharing timber revenues and the development of new economic activities involving industrial operators and communities. A partnership based on rights between industrial operators, communities and other economic operators would lead to a new type of institution of territorial development, which we call Concession 2.0. These redesigned concessions would cohabit and interact with community concessions. The latter would remain forest landscapes offering exclusive rights for autonomous community development.
Authors' publications
Karsenty A., Vermeulen C., 2017. “Concessions 2.0”: articulating inclusive and exclusive management in production forests in Central Africa. International Forestry Review 19, Supplement 2: 101-113 (13).
Karsenty A., Vermeulen C., 2016. Vers des Concessions 2.0 - Articuler gestion inclusive et exclusive dans les forêts de production en Afrique centrale. In Buttoud G., Nguinguiri J.C., Aubert S., Bakouma J., Karsenty A., Kouplevatskaya-Buttoud I., Lescuyer G. (Eds) La gestion inclusive des forêts d’Afrique centrale : de la participation au partage des pouvoirs. FAO, CIFOR, Libreville, p. 205-223. ISBN 978-602-387-029-5.
Karsenty A., Vermeulen C., 2016. Du “land sparing” au “land sharing” ? Vers une gestion des droits superposés dans les forêts denses humides africaines. In Le Roy E., Karsenty A., Bertrand A. (Eds) La sécurisation foncière en Afrique, pour une gestion viable des ressources renouvelables. Collection Hommes et sociétés, Karthala, Paris, p. 380-388. ISBN 978-2-8111-1665-1.
Other references
Mapping For Rights.
Right and Resources Initiative.
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