Small Ruminant Parasitism in the Suburban Area of Sokode, Togo. II. Goats


    P. Bastiaensen, P. Dorny, K. Batawui, A. Boukaya, A. Napala, G. Hendrickx



Goat, Trypanosoma, Nematoda, Hematocrit, Togo


The cross-section parasitological analysis of 226 samples taken from goats in the suburban area of Sokode (central area of Togo) enabled the diagnosis of coccidiosis (31% prevalence) and gastrointestinal nematodes (85%) such as Trichostrongylus sp. (29%), Cooperia sp. (2%) and Haemonchus sp. (69%). Furthermore, Protostrongylus rufescens lungworms were encountered (36%) as well as the cestode Monieza sp. (3%). Trematods were represented by Paramphistomum sp. (10%) and Dicrocoelium sp. (only one positive sample). Of the three major scabies parasites, only Sarcoptes sp. was encountered. Ticks were equally represented by Amblyomma and Boophilus sp. Serological analyses revealed the presence of 11% positive animals for Toxoplasma gondii. Trypanosomosis (8%) was still the main parasitological constraint in terms of impact on health parameters, more particularly on PCV. Other results of this study were compared to those obtained in sheep. Goats, as a species, would appear to be more rustic and resistant against parasite-borne pathologies, particularly trypanosomosis, toxoplasmosis and gastrointestinal nematode infestations. Several statistical analyses that took into account environmental, management and breed-related factors allowed better understanding of host-environment interactions.


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  • P. Bastiaensen 1 - Projet régional de lutte contre la trypanosomose animale, Direction nationale, BP 114, Sokodé, Togo 2 - PO Box 145, 7270 Napier, WC, South Africa
  • P. Dorny Institut Prince Léopold de médecine tropicale, département de santé et de production animale, Nationalestraat 155, B-2000 Anvers
  • K. Batawui Projet régional de lutte contre la trypanosomose animale, Direction nationale, BP 114, Sokodé
  • A. Boukaya Projet régional de lutte contre la trypanosomose animale, Direction nationale, BP 114, Sokodé
  • A. Napala Projet régional de lutte contre la trypanosomose animale, Direction nationale, BP 114, Sokodé
  • G. Hendrickx Projet régional de lutte contre la trypanosomose animale, Direction nationale, BP 114, Sokodé
  • Abstract
  • PDF (Français)



How to Cite

Bastiaensen, P., Dorny, P., Batawui, K., Boukaya, A., Napala, A., & Hendrickx, G. (2003). Small Ruminant Parasitism in the Suburban Area of Sokode, Togo. II. Goats. Revue d’élevage Et De médecine vétérinaire Des Pays Tropicaux, 56(1-2), 51–56.




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