Influence of the genetic type on egg physical characteristics and incubation performances of local hens (Gallus gallus) in Cameroon


    B. Maliki Ibrahim, S. Bagari Iya, L.S. Mbassi, . Asta Madi, I. Abdoullahi, E. Djedoubouyom Name, S. Vondou Vondou, A. Djaowe, E. Miegoue



Gallus gallus, layer chickens, genotypes, egg characters, Cameroon


In order to determine the influence of the genetic type on egg physical characteristics and incubation performances of local hens (Gallus gallus) in Cameroon, a characterization study was conducted at the Obala Agricultural Institute farm. The study involved 2400 eggs (1200 for the Naked Neck type [Na] and 1200 for the normal type [na]) divided into 12 series of 200 eggs each. The eggs were characterized, incubated then data were collected. Results revealed that the genetic type influenced the physical characteristics and incubation performance of the eggs. Incubating eggs from Naked Neck hens were heavier (43.59 ± 1.74 g) than those from normally feathered hens, and the egg shape differed significantly (p < 0.05) by genotype, with wider eggs in normally feathered hens. With the exception of the mean post-hatch chick weight (29.90 ± 3.39 g) from normally feathered hens, incubation characteristics of eggs from Naked Neck hens were significantly (p < 0.05) higher. In addition, very high correlations (p < 0.01) were recorded between the egg weight and the post-hatch chick weight (0.834), and between the shape index and the post-hatch chick weight (-0.784) in normally feathered hens. On the other hand, in Naked Neck hens, significant correlations (p < 0.05) were recorded between the shape index, the total embryonic mortality rate (-0.644) and the hatching rate of fertile eggs (0.659). However, this study showed that the hen type influenced the physical characteristics of hatching eggs and incubation performances.


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  • B. Maliki Ibrahim Institut de recherche agricole pour le développement, Centre de recherche agricole de Wakwa, BP 65, Ngaoundéré, Cameroun
  • S. Bagari Iya Institut de recherche agricole pour le développement, Centre de recherche agricole de Wakwa, BP 65, Ngaoundéré, Cameroun
  • L.S. Mbassi Institut de recherche agricole pour le développement, Centre de recherche agricole de Wakwa, BP 65, Ngaoundéré, Cameroun
  • . Asta Madi Institut de recherche agricole pour le développement, Centre de recherche agricole de Wakwa, BP 65, Ngaoundéré, Cameroun
  • I. Abdoullahi Institut de recherche agricole pour le développement, Centre de recherche agricole de Wakwa, BP 65, Ngaoundéré, Cameroun
  • E. Djedoubouyom Name Institut de recherche agricole pour le développement, Centre de recherche agricole de Wakwa, BP 65, Ngaoundéré, Cameroun
  • S. Vondou Vondou Institut de recherche agricole pour le développement, Centre de recherche agricole de Wakwa, BP 65, Ngaoundéré, Cameroun
  • A. Djaowe Institut de recherche agricole pour le développement, Centre de recherche agricole de Wakwa, BP 65, Ngaoundéré, Cameroun
  • E. Miegoue Département de zootechnie, Faculté d’agronomie et des sciences agricoles, Université de Dschang, Dschang, Cameroun


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How to Cite

Maliki Ibrahim, B., Bagari Iya, S., Mbassi, L. S., Asta Madi, . M., Abdoullahi, I., Djedoubouyom Name, E., Vondou Vondou, S., Djaowe, A., & Miegoue, E. (2022). Influence of the genetic type on egg physical characteristics and incubation performances of local hens (Gallus gallus) in Cameroon. Revue d’élevage Et De médecine vétérinaire Des Pays Tropicaux, 75(2), 41–45.



Animal production and animal products


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