Evaluation of the reproductive and productive performance of an alternating genetic cross between two local sheep breeds, Ouled Djellal and D’man


    K. Sebkhi, M. Adaouri, S. Triki, M. Lebied, A. Houari, A. Bourada, L. Sebbagh




Sheep, genetic improvement, indigenous breeds, meat performance, reproductive performance, Algeria


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of alternating crossbreeding on sheep reproductive performance and productivity. Two indigenous Algerian sheep breeds were used: Ouled Djellal (OD), known for exceptional meat production qualities, and D’man (D), known for exceptional reproductive qualities. In total, 288 ewes (all genotypes) were used, including 130 purebred OD ewes making up the basic flock of the first generation (G1), 71 crossbred ewes (50% OD blood and 50% D blood) of the second generation (G2), and 87 crossbred ewes (75% OD blood and 25% D blood) of the third generation (G3). The ram effect method was used to synchronize heats in a natural batch approach. Our results show an improvement in the fecundity (fertility × prolificacy) of ewes in the first, second and third generations compared with the standard value (95%) for purebred OD ewes (G1: 97.69 ± 66.43%; G2: 122.54 ± 53.98%; G3: 114.94 ± 58.13%). There also was an improvement in numerical and weight productivity at weaning (90 days old) compared to previously reported values for OD ewes reared in Algeria. For numerical productivity, the values were 83.85 ± 62.01% at G1, 121.13 ± 53.23% at G2, and 100 ± 54.98% at G3 (versus 73% reported in the literature); for weight productivity, the values were 15.29 ± 9.41 kg at G1, 24.56 ± 9.01 kg at G2, and 17.15 ± 7.67 kg at G3 (versus 10.55 kg reported in the literature). In conclusion, the D breed, which has exceptional reproductive potential, could be used in crossbreeding to increase the productivity of sheep farming systems operating under local conditions in areas favorable for meat production. It also could be used to create a synthetic breed by crossing it alternatively with the local OD sheep breed.


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  • K. Sebkhi Research Laboratory of Animal Production, National High School of Agronomy (ENSA), Algiers, Algeria
  • M. Adaouri Research Division of Animal Production, National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRAA), Algiers, Algeria
  • S. Triki Research Laboratory of Animal Production, National High School of Agronomy (ENSA), Algiers, Algeria
  • M. Lebied Technical Institute of Breeding (ITELV), Algiers, Algeria
  • A. Houari Technical Institute of Breeding (ITELV), Algiers, Algeria
  • A. Bourada Technical Institute of Breeding (ITELV), Algiers, Algeria
  • L. Sebbagh Technical Institute of Breeding (ITELV), Algiers, Algeria


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Groupe de brebis avec leurs agneaux©M. Adaouri


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How to Cite

Sebkhi, K., Adaouri, M. ., Triki, S., Lebied, M., Houari, A. ., Bourada, A., & Sebbagh, L. (2024). Evaluation of the reproductive and productive performance of an alternating genetic cross between two local sheep breeds, Ouled Djellal and D’man. Revue d’élevage Et De médecine vétérinaire Des Pays Tropicaux, 77, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.19182/remvt.37249



Animal production and animal products


Funding data

  • Direction Générale de la Recherche Scientifique et du Développement Technologique
    Grant numbers Projet de Recherche Formation Universitaire PRFU (2018 - 2021) intitulé "Étude des systèmes de gestion de l'élevage des ruminants pour développer une gestion améliorée, équilibrée et durable" Code de projet «D04N01ES160320180011»;Projet de Recherche Formation Universitaire PRFU (2022 - À ce jour / en cours d'exécution) intitulé "Etude de la diversité génétique des populations animales et possibilité d'amélioration" Code de projet «D04N01ES160320220002».