Evaluating zootechnical and environmental inefficiency for ecological intensification of tropical livestock systems. Case study of Reunion Island


    J. Vayssières, A. Thevenot, M. Vigne, M. Cano, A. Broc, R. Bellino, E. Diacono, B. De Laburthe, J.L. Bochu, E. Tillard, P. Lecomte




Animal production, Life cycle analysis, Intensification, Sustainability, Environmental impact, Reunion


According to FAO, animal production would contribute up to 18% to global anthropogenic green house gas (GHG) emissions. In the face of an increasing world population and demand in food products, more productive and more environmentally- friendly livestock systems have to be conceived. With that aim, non-renewable energy uses and GHG emissions of main animal productions (dairy cattle, beef cattle, pig, poultry and rabbit) were assessed in Reunion tropical island. Based on a method developed in mainland France, energy coefficients and emission factors were redefined to include specificities of the local context and livestock systems. The studied sample comprised 195 farms, i.e. more than 25% of farms overseen by local cooperatives. The study highlights the positive correlation between environmental inefficiency (non renewable energy uses, and GHG emissions per kilogram of animal product) and zootechnical inefficiency (quantity of concentrate feed consumed per kilogram of animal product). It is thus possible to intensify ecologically animal productions. Similar studies are rare in countries of the South. Their development supposes even more drastic methodological adaptations than those conducted in Reunion so as to evaluate little- mechanized low-input mixed systems, where livestock activities are multifunctional and use various energy types.


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  • J. Vayssières Cirad, UMR Systèmes d’élevage méditerranéens et tropicaux, station de Ligne Paradis, 7 ch. de l’IRAT, St-Pierre, la Réunion.
  • A. Thevenot Cirad, UMR Systèmes d’élevage méditerranéens et tropicaux, station de Ligne Paradis, 7 ch. de l’IRAT, St-Pierre, la Réunion.
  • M. Vigne Cirad, UMR Systèmes d’élevage méditerranéens et tropicaux, station de Ligne Paradis, 7 ch. de l’IRAT, St-Pierre, la Réunion.
  • M. Cano Cirad, UMR Systèmes d’élevage méditerranéens et tropicaux, station de Ligne Paradis, 7 ch. de l’IRAT, St-Pierre, la Réunion.
  • A. Broc Cirad, UMR Systèmes d’élevage méditerranéens et tropicaux, station de Ligne Paradis, 7 ch. de l’IRAT, St-Pierre, la Réunion.
  • R. Bellino Cirad, UMR Systèmes d’élevage méditerranéens et tropicaux, station de Ligne Paradis, 7 ch. de l’IRAT, St-Pierre, la Réunion.
  • E. Diacono Cirad, UMR Systèmes d’élevage méditerranéens et tropicaux, station de Ligne Paradis, 7 ch. de l’IRAT, St-Pierre, la Réunion.
  • B. De Laburthe FRCA, St-Pierre, la Réunion.
  • J.L. Bochu Solagro, Toulouse, France.
  • E. Tillard Cirad, UMR Systèmes d’élevage méditerranéens et tropicaux, station de Ligne Paradis, 7 ch. de l’IRAT, St-Pierre, la Réunion.
  • P. Lecomte Cirad, UMR Systèmes d’élevage méditerranéens et tropicaux, station de Ligne Paradis, 7 ch. de l’IRAT, St-Pierre, la Réunion.
  • Abstract
  • PDF (Français)





How to Cite

Vayssières, J., Thevenot, A., Vigne, M., Cano, M., Broc, A., Bellino, R., Diacono, E., De Laburthe, B., Bochu, J.-L., Tillard, E., & Lecomte, P. (2011). Evaluating zootechnical and environmental inefficiency for ecological intensification of tropical livestock systems. Case study of Reunion Island. Revue d’élevage Et De médecine vétérinaire Des Pays Tropicaux, 64(1-4), 73–79. https://doi.org/10.19182/remvt.10117



Livestock farming systems and value chains


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