Mailing list

By subscribing to the REMVT newsletter, you will receive the latest news and information on site updates.

How to subscribe or unsubscribe?

The subscription/unsubscription process uses your email. By clicking on one of the links below, a message will be generated. You will need to send it (without changing it) for your request to be considered.

You can also use your email directly by sending an empty message (with no content) to "" with the subject "SUBSCRIBE newsletter_remvt" to subscribe, or "UNSUBSCRIBE newsletter_remvt" to unsubscribe.

Protection of personal data

REMVT is committed to respecting its legal obligations in terms of data protection. The sole purpose of the mailing list is to disseminate information related to REMVT. It will not be used for any other purpose or passed on to third parties.

Your e-mail address is the only digital data we have.

You may exercise your right to access, change or delete that information at any time by using the following link "unsubscribe" or online via our platform here.