Detection of bovine mastitis using the CMT test under field conditions in Algeria


    K. Saidani, F. Zeroual, A.K. Metref, A. Dahmani, S. Tennah



Dairy cattle, mammary gland diseases, diagnostic techniques, livestock management, Algeria


Background: Mastitis is a major cause of economic loss for the dairy industry. It frequently affects postpartum dairy cows that are permanently housed, irrespective of breed, age category and udder conformation. Aim: This study set out to evaluate the prevalence and annual incidence of clinical and subclinical mastitis in dairy farms in the mountainous region between Bejaia and Tizi Ouzou provinces. Methods: The trial was conducted under field conditions to demonstrate the value of the California Mastitis Test (CMT) for the early diagnosis of subclinical bovine mastitis. Four hundred cows from thirty-two small dairy farms, of different breeds and age groups, were screened using the CMT after a preliminary clinical examination. Screening took place from January 2019 to February 2020. Results: Two hundred and nineteen cows screened had at least one affected quarter, representing an overall prevalence of 54.75%. There were far more cases of subclinical mastitis (35.5%) than of clinical mastitis (17.25%). The CMT allowed for early diagnosis, otherwise two thirds of cases would have gone unnoticed. Conclusions: Early detection has the potential to improve veterinary healthcare, as well as reduce economic losses.


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  • K. Saidani Institut des Sciences Vétérinaires, Université Blida 1, Blida, Algérie ; Laboratoire de gestion des Ressources Animales Locales, Ecole nationale Supérieure Vétérinaire d’Alger, Algérie ; Laboratoire de Biodiversité et de pollution des écosystèmes. Université Chadli Bendjedid El-Tarf, Algeria
  • F. Zeroual Département des Sciences Vétérinaires, Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie, Université El-Taref, Algérie ; Laboratoire de Biodiversité et de pollution des écosystèmes, Université Chadli Bendjedid El-Tarf, Algérie
  • A.K. Metref Institut des Sciences Vétérinaires, Université Blida 1, Route de Soomâa, Blida, Algérie
  • A. Dahmani Institut des Sciences Vétérinaires, Université Blida 1, Blida, Algérie
  • S. Tennah Laboratoire de Biodiversité et de pollution des écosystèmes, Université Chadli Bendjedid El-Tarf, Algérie


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How to Cite

Saidani, K., Zeroual, F., Metref, A. K. ., Dahmani, A., & Tennah, S. (2024). Detection of bovine mastitis using the CMT test under field conditions in Algeria. Revue d’élevage Et De médecine vétérinaire Des Pays Tropicaux, 77, 1–7.



Animal production and animal products


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