Effect of incorporating local alfalfa hay or hay combined with wheat straw in the diet of growing rabbits (Algeria)


    M. Adaouri, S. Dis, A. Bouguera, H. Tazka, N. Zerrouki Daoudi




rabbits, animal feeding, Medicago sativa, animal performance, Algeria


The objective of this trial was to analyze the potential of using locally available feeds, such as alfalfa hay and wheat straw, in rabbit diets to replace imported dehydrated alfalfa. Two feeds were formulated with, as main source of fiber, alfalfa hay alone in one (F diet: 40.1%), combined with wheat straw (F+P diet: 17% hay + 14% straw) in the other. At weaning (35 days), 154 rabbits of the ITELV 2006 synthetic strain were divided into three groups of identical live weights and housed in group cages (2–4 rabbits/cage) until slaughter (84 days). They were fed ad libitum one of the two experimental diets (F or F+P) or a commercial control diet (Tém). Viability of F rabbits was better (90%; + 22 percentage points) than that of Tém rabbits (68%) (p = 0.025), and viability of F+P rabbits was intermediate (79.6%; + 12 percentage points). Weight gain and feed intake were 14% and 30% higher (p < 0.001) with F than with Tém (33.0 vs 29.0 g/d and 92.8 vs 71.4 g/d), respectively. Growth and feed intake of F+P rabbits were intermediate (29.9 g/d and 79.5 g/d). Cold carcass yield and carcass adiposity score were highest (p < 0.05) with F, followed by Tém, then F+P (67.5%, 66.4%, 65.5% and 3.85, 3.45, 3.30, respectively). Economic efficiency was 23% and 44% higher when rabbits were fed F and F+P diets, respectively.


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  • M. Adaouri Institut national de la recherche agronomique d’Algérie, INRAA, Alger, Algérie
  • S. Dis Institut technique des élevages, ITElv, Baba Ali-Birtouta, Alger, Algérie
  • A. Bouguera Institut national de la recherche agronomique d’Algérie, INRAA, Alger, Algérie
  • H. Tazka Institut national de la recherche agronomique d’Algérie, INRAA, Alger, Algérie
  • N. Zerrouki Daoudi Laboratoire ressources naturelles, Université Mouloud Mammeri, Tizi-Ouzou, Algérie


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A.Bouguera, 2023
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How to Cite

Adaouri, M., Dis, S., Bouguera, A., Tazka, H., & Zerrouki Daoudi, N. . (2023). Effect of incorporating local alfalfa hay or hay combined with wheat straw in the diet of growing rabbits (Algeria). Revue d’élevage Et De médecine vétérinaire Des Pays Tropicaux, 76, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.19182/remvt.36976



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