Quality characteristics of the carcass of Beni-Guil sheep, a Protected Geographical Indication certified product of Eastern Morocco: Preliminary study


    K. Belhaj, F. Mansouri, A. Tikent, A. Ouchatbi, M. Boukharta, C. Hana Serghini, A. Elamrani




Beni-Guil sheep, carcasses, meat quality, designation of origin, Morocco


The objective of the study was to evaluate, for the first time, the qualitative, objective and subjective characteristics of the carcass and meat of the Beni-Guil sheep breed, originating in Eastern Morocco. The study was conducted with 105 ewes and ewe lambs with a mean age of 21.5 months (8–36 months), and a mean weight of 32.55 kg. pH measurements were taken one hour and 24 hours after slaughter. The mean values obtained were 6.76 and 5.78, respectively. The mean hot (HCW) and cold (CCW) carcass weights and corresponding yields were 15.82 kg (48.6%) and 15.52 kg (47.7%), respectively. Shrinkage loss was 1.9%. Linear measurements showed that the Beni-Guil had a mean carcass length (K) and width (G) of 63.7 and 17.3 cm, respectively, with a carcass compactness index 1 (G/K) and 2 (CCW/K) of 0.27 and 243.60 g/cm, respectively. Finally, according to the EUROP sheep carcass classification grid, the carcasses examined showed conformations between fairly good (O) and good (R), a bright red color, a firm white fat cover, and a fatness score of 3.42. The results highlighted the characteristics of the Beni-Guil ewe carcass, which are sought by professionals and consumers.


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  • K. Belhaj Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University Mohammed First, BP 717, 60 000 Oujda, Morocco ; Veterinary Service, National Office for Food Safety, Oujda, Morocco.
  • F. Mansouri Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University Mohammed First, BP 717, 60 000 Oujda, Morocco ; Laboratory of Biochemistry, National Agency of Medicinal and Aromatic plants, Taounate, Morocco.
  • A. Tikent Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University Mohammed First, BP 717, 60 000 Oujda, Morocco ; Veterinary Service, National Office for Food Safety, Oujda, Morocco.
  • A. Ouchatbi Veterinary Service, National Office for Food Safety, Oujda, Morocco.
  • M. Boukharta Institute of Agricultural Industries, High School of Charlemagne, Huy, Belgium
  • C. Hana Serghini Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University Mohammed First, BP 717, 60 000 Oujda, Morocco
  • A. Elamrani Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University Mohammed First, BP 717, 60 000 Oujda, Morocco.


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Beni-Guil Lambs (3-4 months old) reared in outdoor in Tendrara region©K. Belhaj


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How to Cite

Belhaj, K., Mansouri, F., Tikent, A., Ouchatbi, A., Boukharta, M., Hana Serghini, C., & Elamrani, A. (2020). Quality characteristics of the carcass of Beni-Guil sheep, a Protected Geographical Indication certified product of Eastern Morocco: Preliminary study. Revue d’élevage Et De médecine vétérinaire Des Pays Tropicaux, 73(1), 21–26. https://doi.org/10.19182/remvt.31843



Animal production and animal products
