
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript has not been already published in whole or in part. However, the preliminary results of the study described may have been presented at scientific meetings.
  • The manuscript submitted to the Journal or a text presenting the same results is not being evaluated by another journal. Likewise, the manuscript will not be submitted elsewhere throughout the review process.
  • The Journal asks the authors to respect publication ethics. Plagiarism is not tolerated. The Journal uses iThenticate from CrossRef Similarity Check for its detection at the reception stage. The authors certify that the publication:
    − Respects intellectual property rules and ownership of results, in particular with regard quoting excerpts from already published contents (see "Instructions for Authors");
    − Complies with animal experimentation regulations in the country where the experiment was conducted.
  • The corresponding author certifies that all authors have read and approved the submitted text, and that all the persons involved in data collection, sample and data analysis, and writing of the text are coauthors, unless they expressly specified otherwise. The author identifies all co-authors during the submission process and indicates their email addresses.

  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described in the "Instructions for Authors".
  • Manuscripts are sent in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or LibreOffice. The figures are sent in separate files, and prepared according to the " Instructions for Authors".
  • When available, the digital object identifier (DOI) of the cited references must be added.
  • The authors suggest one or several potential reviewers for their manuscript. The reviewers must not belong to the same institution as that of the authors and should not have co-authored publications with them.
    The names, emails and affiliations of author-suggested reviewers are mentioned in the section "Comments for the Editor" of the submission process.

Author Guidelines

The Journal is free of charge for authors: it does not charge submission fees or processing fees for articles.

First step: Login or (Register) to begin the submission process.

Manuscripts must be sent through our submission platform (online submission)

Manuscript organization

Files are sent in MS Word or in open-access word-processing formats, e.g. OpenOffice or LibreOffice. Figures are sent in separate files, in their original source formats.

Full “Instructions for Authors” can be viewed here.


Bibliographic reference formats are available for Zotero and Endnote bibliographic management softwares.

To download the file to install the style: Style Zotero (right click and save the file). In Zotero, follow the menus and tabs Actions>Preferences>Cite>Styles, add the style by clicking on ‘ + ’ and indicate the file location.

For Endnote download the file Rev_Elev_Med_Vet_Pays_Trop.ens and save it in the "Styles" folder of Endnote directory. Once in Endnote, select "Edit" tab then "Output Styles" and "Open Edit Manager". In the new window, select style Rev_Elev_Med_Vet_Pays_Trop


Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux publishes articles under the terms of the Creative Commons Licence “Attribution – Version 4.0 International” to facilitate free, immediate and unrestricted reuse of its articles. The term ‘article’ refers here to an article, a review, a communication or any other type of material published in the Journal. The full version of the licence can be downloaded here: License.

The licence allows you to:

  • Share, i.e. copy and redistribute the article in any medium or format;
  • Adapt, i.e. remix or transform (e.g. tables and figures) and build upon the article.

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the licence terms.

Under the following ‘Attribution’ terms:

  • You must cite the source and indicate if changes have been made;
  • You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use;
  • The author declines all liability in the event of improper use of his article.

 No additional conditions. You may not apply legal terms that legally restrict others from doing anything the licence permits. The full legal notice of the licences can be seen here : CC-by-4.0

Note that, for an increased visibility of results, authors are allowed to archive preprints (manuscripts before peer review) and postprints (ms after peer review and before the final PDF) in a repository or institutional site, citing ‘Rev. Elev. Med. Vet. Pays Trop.’, and specifying in the first case ‘submitted’, and in the second ‘submitted’, ‘accepted’ or ‘in press, depending on the status of the manuscript.


Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses entered in the Journal’s site will be exclusively used for the stated purposes (i.e. manuscript management, journal-contained information [mainly the corresponding author’s contact information], subscription to the Journal’s Newsletter for update on new issues and other announcements about the Journal) and will not be used for any other purpose or any other party.