About the Journal

Aims and Scope

The Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux aims to further knowledge on livestock production, animal products, animal health, animal and livestock breeders’ environments, related to tropical, subtropical and Mediterranean regions, by promoting original research, debates and reviews. It encompasses all species of animals reared in these regions, i.e. native, exotic, wildlife and aquaculture species. Areas of interest include the various fields of animal science, e.g. physiology, nutrition, genetics, production and reproduction, veterinary science, systemic and holistic approaches such as analyses of farming systems, value chain analyses, epidemiological and ecopathological studies, and environmental analyses. Five categories cover all these fields:

  • Livestock farming systems and value chains
  • Environment and territories
  • Animal production and animal products
  • Feed resources and feeding
  • Animal health and epidemiology

Peer Review Policy

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal that are selected for evaluation by the editorial team are reviewed by two external reviewers identified for their scientific expertise in the field. The reviewers are anonymous to the authors, the authors are not anonymous to the reviewers (single-blind review). The reviewers as well as the authors abide by all the principles that concern them and are detailed in Publishing Ethics. Note: In the rare cases where a second reviewer cannot be identified, the editor in chief, competent in the field of the manuscript, also reviews it and informs the authors.

Reviewers may accept the manuscript, reject it, or request revisions before resubmission. Their comments on the content and form of the manuscript are precise and rigorous, and the wording is courteous. They provide a clear, substantiated explanation for rejection. The editor in chief may call upon other reviewers in case of divergent opinions and ultimately decides on the acceptance of the manuscript.

At least two levels of review are recommended. At the first level, the reviewers have an overall view of the manuscript; they can consider the novelty and interest, or not, of the results presented, and identify general issues. They identify the hypotheses, and language and structure issues. In the second level, they assess the relevance, validity and coherence of each section of the manuscript. To have a better understanding of the Journal’s expectations for these sections, they may consult the Presentation of Manuscripts in the Instructions for Authors. They identify errors, for example in logic or interpretation, inconsistencies, references that are obsolete for the subject, inappropriate or of dubious origin, and possibly ethical issues (plagiarism, fraud, non-compliance with regulations on animal experimentation or the participation of human beings, etc.). They can suggest changes to improve the text and they commit themselves to read an amended version according to their recommendations.

Conflicts of Interest

Any type of conflict of interest that involves the publisher, editor in chief, reviewer, author, or others is unacceptable; it is dealt with according to the procedures described for each actor or case in Publishing Ethics.

Publishing Policies

The Journal’s Publishing Policies are rooted in the principles of ethics in publication outlined here.

Open Access Policy

Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux publishes its contents under the Creative Commons Licence “Attribution – Version 4.0 International” (CC-BY). This licence grants open access as defined in the founding document (Berlin Declaration on Open Access).

Users have immediate open access to authors’ works, and unrestricted redistribution rights. The only obligations are to quote fully the references to the authors and their works, and to indicate changes if any have been made.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

9 July 2021

The Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux is a scientific journal with an international Editorial Board whose members are recognized experts in their fields. Details on their names and affiliations can be accessed here.

The Journal is in open access and free of charge to the authors.

The Journal is committed to complying with the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible measures against any publication malpractices. The Journal follows in principle the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics COPE “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors”.

When submitting a manuscript for publication to the Journal, all the authors agree to participate in the peer-review process, i.e. to receive advice on their manuscript from reviewers expert in their field, that will help the editor make the final decision on whether or not to publish it. They attest having significantly contributed to the research. They agree to disclose any conflicts of interests. They attest that the manuscript is free of any fraudulent content and does not display any type of misconduct, including copying or plagiarizing whole or part of other works. They agree to provide corrections of mistakes, or retractions when cases of fraud compromise their publication. They agree to provide information on financial support.

The Journal is committed to carry out objective and fair, single-blind peer review of all manuscripts submitted for publication; reviewers are anonymous to authors, authors are not anonymous to reviewers (in the rare cases where a second reviewer cannot be identified, the editor in chief, competent in the field of the manuscript, also reviews it and informs the authors). The Journal ensures that there are no conflicts of interest, either actual or potential, between the editors and the reviewers, and the manuscripts being reviewed. Any departures from these rules must be reported directly to the editor in chief, who undertakes to resolve quickly the issue.

All the reviewers agree to handle the manuscripts confidentially. They agree to disclose any conflicts of interests. They commit themselves to use their expertise to comment and provide recommendations objectively and to the best of their knowledge on the manuscripts entrusted to them.

The editors will make all reasonable effort to identify and prevent the publication of papers, where research misconduct has occurred. They commit themselves to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed. They shall never encourage misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place. In the event of any allegation of research misconduct they will deal with allegations appropriately. (See Publishing Ethics for detailed information)

The authors’, reviewers’ and editors’ duties are outlined in the Journal’s Publishing Ethics. All agree to uphold the standards of ethical scientific publication stated here and in the Publishing Ethics.

The Journal publishes its contents under the terms of the Creative Commons Licence “Attribution – Version 4.0 International” to facilitate free, immediate and unrestricted reuse of them (information can be accessed here).

The Journal uses the LOCKSS system (PKP Preservation Network) to ensure archive preservation and long term access.

By publishing in the Journal the authors retain their copyright without restrictions. They can archive preprint versions and the final PDF.


Rev. Elev. Med. Vet. Pays Trop. does not include any commercial advertising on its website, printed materials, and other forms of communication.


Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux is published by the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD).

  • Cirad
    42 rue Scheffer, 75116 Paris, France (Headquarters)