Land tenure regulation Cameroon between communities and citizens' aspirations.


    André Teyssier


economy and rural development, farming systems


Land tenure regulation in Cameroon is characterised by a diversity of land access systems determined by the emergence of land markets and the struggle between a reviving tradition and a weak administration. Various situations are described illustrating the growing land tenure insecurity, largely caused by state institutions at odds with the State's capacity and a dualistic perception of the land, considered either as the general property of the community or as a simple production factor. This article discusses an information dissemination program which will contribute to the coherence of the dynamic analysis of the land tenure systems, of the conflicts concerning the control of space, of collective action, and public interventions. It focuses on the revision of the land policy system in relation to the choice between national integration and ethnic integrity and encourages public debates on the orientation of land policies.


Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (Cirad) Cirad-Tera TA 60/15, 34398 Montpellier cedex 5



How to Cite

Teyssier, A. (2004). Land tenure regulation Cameroon between communities and citizens’ aspirations. Cahiers Agricultures, 13(6), 522–527 (1). Retrieved from


