Assessment, impact and perception of climate change in the western part of France: The CLIMASTER project


    Philippe Merot
    Samuel Corgne
    Daniel Delahaye
    Philippe Desnos
    Vincent Dubreuil
    Chantal Gascuel
    Jean-Luc Giteau
    Alexandre Joannon
    Hervé Quenol
    Jean-Baptiste Narcy



agriculture, available days, climate, dairy farms, water resources, animal productions, vegetal productions


We describe the methods and the main results obtained in the framework of the climaster project with the aim of contributing to the debate on climate change in the Grand Ouest (western part) of France. Concerning the climate, past long term series make it possible to analyse current climate change. One degree of temperature is the mean increase over a fifty-year period. The rainfall data show a seasonally contrasted trend, with an increase in winter and a decrease in summer, especially in the northern part of the Grand Ouest. Concerning agriculture: an original work has been carried out on the agronomic useful days. The current and past trends of land use and land cover concerning innovative remote sensing methods over a decade are discussed. The ability of agricultural stakeholders to take into account the impact of climate change has been approached by surveys, seminars of prospective studies and exchanges among farmer groups. Investigations concerning water stakeholders have been also made for comparison. In conclusion, the work done, the methods used and the body of knowledge built all contribute to a way of considering climate change in the Grand Ouest.


Inra UMR SAS Agrocampus Ouest 65 rue de Saint Brieuc 35042 Rennes cedex France, CNRS LETG Rennes COSTEL UMR 6554 Université de Rennes 2 Place du Recteur Henri Le Moal 35043 Rennes cedex France, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie LETG Caen GEOPHEN UMR 6554 CNRS Esplanade de la Paix - CS 14032 14032 Caen cedex 5 France, TRAME, Rennes, ZAC Atalante Champeaux 35042 Rennes cedex, Chambre d'agriculture de Bretagne 4, avenue du Chalutier Sans Pitié BP 10540 22195 Plerin cedex France, Inra UR SAD-Paysage 65 rue de Saint Brieuc 35042 Rennes cedex France, AScA 8, rue Legouvé 75010 Paris France



How to Cite

Merot, P., Corgne, S., Delahaye, D., Desnos, P., Dubreuil, V., Gascuel, C., Giteau, J.-L., Joannon, A., Quenol, H., & Narcy, J.-B. (2014). Assessment, impact and perception of climate change in the western part of France: The CLIMASTER project. Cahiers Agricultures, 23(2), 96–107 (1).


