Dissecting the biological bases of traits of interest in rice: Architecture and development of the root system


    Anne Dievart
    Yoan Coudert
    Pascal Gantet
    Germain Pauluzzi
    Jerôme Puig
    Divol Fanchon
    Nourollah Ahmadi
    Brigitte Courtois
    Emmanuel Guiderdoni
    Christophe Périn




genetic variation, molecular genetics, qtl (quantitative trait loci), rice, roots, genetic improvement, natural resources and environment, tools and methods, vegetal productions


Rice possesses a fibrous root system made up mainly of adventitious roots also called crown or nodal roots. Roots emerge from the nodes first at the stem base and then from nodes of shoot ramifications. The root system is not easily accessible and therefore difficult to study. For this reason phenotypic breeding for rice varieties with improved root systems remains a challenge. Hence, identification of genetic determinants of root development should considerably improve breeding efficiency. Numerous studies are underway on identifying and characterizing genes controlling root traits on rice and other cereals. In this review, we summarize the latest strategies and some recent results concerning the identification and characterization of root genes and quantitative trait loci affecting root development in rice.


Cirad UMR AGAP TA A-108/03 Avenue Agropolis 34398 Montpellier cedex 5 France, University of Cambridge Department of Plant Sciences Downing Street Cambridge CB2 3EA Cambridge United Kingdom, Agricultural Genetics Institute USTH UMR DIADE LMI RICE Hanoi Viet Nam



How to Cite

Dievart, A., Coudert, Y., Gantet, P., Pauluzzi, G., Puig, J., Fanchon, D., Ahmadi, N., Courtois, B., Guiderdoni, E., & Périn, C. (2013). Dissecting the biological bases of traits of interest in rice: Architecture and development of the root system. Cahiers Agricultures, 22(5), 475–483 (1). https://doi.org/10.1684/agr.2013.0651


