Évaluation des principales espèces fourragères introduites dans l'Adamaoua camerounais


    E Tedonkeng Pamo
    S Yonke
    J Onana


Various forage crop species were introduced at the Forage Crop Station of the Wakwa Livestock and Veterinary Research Centre, Cameroon, to investigate their adaptability, persistance and productivity. The aim was to improve livestock feeding in this region. A number of grass and legume species and varieties were chosen, with forage production and legume seed production further investigated. From 1980 to 1986, mean grass forage production ranged from 5 to 10 t dry matter with regular cutting every 28 days during the rainy season, and 3 to 12 t dry matter for late rainy season biomass. From 1981 to 1983, legume production ranged from 1 to 5.5 t dry matter for late rainy season biomass and 1 to 4.6 t dry matter for late dry season biomass. Three legume varieties performed well in terms of seed production: Stylosanthes guianensis cv FAO 46004, cv FAO 46482 and cv FAO 46484.


Université de Dschang, FASA, Département des productions animales, BP 222, Dschang, Cameroun, Institut de recherches zootechniques et vétérinaires, Centre de Wakwa, BP 65, Ngaoundéré, Station de Bokle, BP 1073, Garoua




Comment citer

Tedonkeng Pamo, E. ., Yonke, S. ., & Onana, J. . (1997). Évaluation des principales espèces fourragères introduites dans l’Adamaoua camerounais. Cahiers Agricultures, 6(3), 203–207 (1). Consulté à l’adresse https://revues.cirad.fr/index.php/cahiers-agricultures/article/view/30010


