Considérations sur la domestication et l'élevage du pigeon vert Treron australis (Columbidae) au Zaïre


    Bobe Leta


Nowadays, a major challenge for developing countries is to solve the problem of meat shortage. Therefore, it is imperious to find and improve new animal food-resources, including rearing of wild small animals whose flesh is well appreciated by native populations. Many projects are now working on the domestication and rearing programs of such animals, in order to promote their conservation and breeding as source of meat and income for the expanding populations. An investigation conducted with 472 Zairean adults representing different tribes in Zaïre, was carried out to test their appreciation of the consumption of the green pigeon, Treron australis (Columbidae) (plate 1) a wild tropical african dove, and to indicate if a domestication and rearing program of this pigeon would be easily accepted by the social groups involved. The study has shown that the green pigeon does exist in the eleven provinces of Zaïre and is well-known by most populations there: he possesses 88 names in 67 dialects. Despite taboos and prohibitions observed by some persons, green pigeon meat is generally well appreciated, as 89% of the questionned people find its taste delicious. The possibility to domesticate and rear the green pigeon is agreed by 53% of the population sample, who find it very interesting and advantageous, while 38% oppose it. It is now up to the scientists to find methods and techniques to domesticate the green pigeon and to rear it in captivity in african countries.


Département de biologie, Faculté des sciences, Université de Kinshasa, BP 190, Kinshasa XI, Zaïre.




Comment citer

Leta, B. (1997). Considérations sur la domestication et l’élevage du pigeon vert Treron australis (Columbidae) au Zaïre. Cahiers Agricultures, 6(2), 133–136 (1). Consulté à l’adresse


