The journal "Les Cahiers de la Recherche Développement", directed, produced and published by CIRAD between 1984 and 1999, aimed to disseminate the knowledge and experience of rural development actors in tropical countries within the research-development network.

The first issue, published in 1983, was edited by the Service de la coopération et du développement of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The ministry then provided support to the CIRAD Agricultural Systems Department, which became the publisher.

The last issue, published in 1999, accompanied the creation of CIRAD's Territories, Environment and Actors Department (Tera).

The topics covered by the journal have followed the evolution of systems research and development work: systems study methodology, sociology, financing, geography.

More technical subjects have been introduced, such as machinery and agrifoods, focusing on development actors.

Browse the collection from 1983 to 1999